Mr Steven Ollis

A Governing Body is a group of volunteers elected by parents and staff at the school and also nominated by the Bury Local Authority.  Working closely with the Headteacher, the Body has the responsibility for raising school standards through key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring & evaluating school performance. 

St John with St Mark C of E Primary School has 11 Governors who meet once per term as a full Governing Body and also attend various sub committees as detailed below.  The Governing Body includes three Foundation Governors, two parent Governors, three Co-opted Governors, one Staff Governor, one Local Authority Governor and the Head Teacher as ex-officio.

Current Governing Body Members  2024 - 2025

Chair  Ms Victoria Cook, Foundation Governor - Bury Governors' Association Representative, 

c/o St John with St Mark C of E Primary School, Athlone Avenue, Bury, BL9 5EE.  Email -

Vice Chair  Mr Graeme Lambert - Bury Governors' Association Representative

Headteacher  Mr Steven Ollis

Local Authority Governor  Mr Ciaron Boles - SEN responsibility

Staff Governor  Mrs Debbie Foden

Parent Governors 

Mr Safwan Ilyas - Safeguarding & CYPIC and anti-bullying responsibility

Ms Adriana Dos Santos - Wellbeing responsibility

Co-opted Governors 

Mr John Westwell - Curriculum responsibility

Mr Graeme Lambert - Finance and Health & Safety responsibility

Reverend Harvie Nichol - RE responsibility

Foundation Governors

Mrs Victoria Cook - Attendance & Pupil Premium responsibility

Reverend Harvie Nichol


Resource Committee - meets termly, Chair - Mr Graeme Lambert. Members - Ms Victoria Cook, Mr Steven Ollis, Mrs Suzanne Dewhurst & Mr Ciaron Boles

Teaching & Learning Committee - meets termly, Chair - Ms Adriana Dos Santos. Members - Mr John Westwell, Mrs Victoria Cook, Mr Safwan Ilyas, Mr Steven Ollis, Mrs Debbie Foden 

Safeguarding Committee - meets termly, Chair - Mr Safwan Ilyas. Members - Ms Adriana Dos Santos, Ms Victoria Cook & Mrs Debbie Foden

Pay & Performance Committee - meets annually. Members - Ms Victoria Cook & Mr Ciaron Boles

Pay Appeal Committee - meets annually. Members - Mr Safwan Ilyas & Mr Graeme Lambert

Staff Dismissal Committee - meets when required. Members - Mr John Westwell, Mr Safwan Ilyas, Mr Ciaron Boles

Staff Dismissal Appeals Committee - meets when required. Members - Mr Graeme Lambert, Ms Adriana Dos Santos

Pupil Dismissal Appeals Committee - meets when required. Members - Mr Graeme Lambert, Mr Ciaron Boles, Ms Adriana Dos Santos

Complaints Committee - meets when required. Members - Mr Graeme Lambert, Mr John Westwell, Mr Ciaron Boles, Ms Adriana Dos Santos

Full Name Date of Appointment Term of Office  Appointed By Business/ pecuniary interests Governor roles at other educational institutions Attendance Record Membership Voting Rights
Mr Graeme Lambert 27.05.22  4 years Co-opted None declared None declared 83% Full Yes
Ms Victoria Cook 26.11.23  1 year Foundation None declared None declared 89% Full Yes
Mr Safwan Ilyas 01.9.21 4 years Parents None declared None declared 50% Full Yes
Ms Adriana Dos Santos 01.09.21 4 years Parents None declared None declared 100% Full Yes
Mr Ciaron Boles 05.01.22 4 years Local Authority None declared None declared 66% Full Yes
Mr Steven Ollis 01.01.21 4 years Ex Officio None declared None declared 100% Full Yes
Mrs Debbie Foden 01.06.21 4 years Staff None declared None declared 100% Full Yes
Mr John Westwell 13.10.22 4 years Co-opted None declared None declared 100% Full Yes
Rev. Harvie Nichol 13.06.24 4 years Foundation None declared   None declared   100% Full   Yes
Rev. Dave Thompson   09.07.13 13.10.22 Foundation None declared None declared 66% Full Full
Mr Iftia Ahmed 23.11.20 16.12.22 Parents None declared None declared 66% Full Yes